Friday, August 8, 2014

7 ways to identify a First year.

1) They always move in jhunds.

2) They roam around in hostel corridors with B.V Ramana.

3)  They will wait for shuttle for up to 30 minutes.

4) They wear the most fancy and flashy clothes with matching chappals. 


5) You can see them armed with a deadly weapon - DRAFTER.

6) They will be seen in mess 3 times a day.

7) Every time they see a violet pigeon with colorful feathers (a.k.a Peacock) they pull out their cameras.

-Vividha Goyal

Source: Google images

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.!! Things were different in our times for some of these.

    1) They always move in jhunds. [They used to avoid moving alone (for a different reason.)]
    2) They roam around in hostel corridors with B.V Ramana. [They used to cross corridors as fast as they can to avoid being caught by predators aka seniors.]

    3) They will wait for shuttle for up to 30 minutes.[This luxury was not available to us.]

    4) They wear the most fancy and flashy clothes with matching chappals. [Strictly NO. If u r out of your room, full sleeve shirts, ducked in, full-pants, polished shoes. Exempted only if u r going to wash rooms.]
    5) You can see them armed with a deadly weapon - DRAFTER.[ha ha ...only thing still matches.]

    6) They will be seen in mess 3 times a day. [Rarely seen in mess to avoid getting hunt and cooked for next meal by seniors,]

    7) Every time they see a violet pigeon with colorful feathers (a.k.a Peacock) they pull out their cameras. [Peacoks and camera both were luxuries]
