Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oouchh!! placement

29th October :  Exams over. But before you could plan what movie to watch or start talking on phone to your...ummm....a bomb drops on your head...that the rumour is possibly true and Accenture is coming for placements in November. So, you lose your sleep and interest in movie.    (phone thing is unavoidable)tension is back in your head. Apti...documents...technical...strengths...GD....or it might not come and it is still a rumour.

30th October:  your worst fears are confirmed. have your first company coming and your preparation can be rated on the negative scale. You feel  like banging your head on the wall. This can’t be happening, you were told about 8th sem placements.

31st October :  Official notice is out. You start gathering the resources , let us c...r s aggarwal... mark sheets, certificates and start deciding about the area of interest, supposedly to be your area of expertise(is there any???? Ur mind asks this dumb question). The fact started to sink in.

1st and 2nd November:  Everyone’s started preparing. You see people huddled together in groups of 2 or 3 discussing what might come up. Dinner discussions have changed from movies to current affairs...people started talking about India-china, jinaah, commonwealth games...

3rd November: placements POSTPONED. I mean you get classes postponed, labs postponed but placements...??? The supposed relief does not come. You are neither happy nor sad. Somewhere you had accepted the fact that yes 9th is going to be THE DAY and this cancellation well felt bad....

Come share your views with about this placement nightmare. Are you :) or :(...


  1. :(
    "Ab Kya ab to sab padh lenge"- a procured Comment required to b posted
    rather conveyed to just 2 make u guys think
    how weird can one get...

  2. yeh hai mody...we hav gt various species...n da variety jus strts frm up here :O

  3. well its too late to comment on
    but still things meant to happen 4 gud reason......
